
Ferat Shala has described as very important project "Study of pollution of agricultural land in Kosovo"

Today in the premises of the conference hall in the new building of the Government of Kosovo (formerly Renaissance) is the first meeting of promoters of the project "Study of pollution of agricultural land in Kosovo".

This is a project funded by the European Union managed by European Union Office in Kosovo and implemented by the German organization for international cooperation GIZ, and NIRAS from Poland. Deputy Minister of Environment, Ferat Shala welcomed the start of the project and considered as very important in terms of data that will emerge from this study about the sustainable use and conservation of agricultural land as a precious resource of agro-economic development the state of Kosovo and improving the state of the environment in general. Shala said that "believes that this project will draw on available and reliable to determine the condition of the farm our land and to what extent may be contaminated its various parts. Christof Stock, the European Union office in Kosovo said that the main objective of this project is to support the MESP and MAFRD in improving agricultural land management and providing assistance in the establishment of a permanent system for the monitoring of pollution of agricultural land. He considered that ALPS project includes a very important component, the detailed study of land in 17 municipalities, to assess the presence of heavy metals in food and agricultural products, and assessing the likelihood of the spread of these pollutants on humans . Otherwise, ALPS project's main goal is to support government institutions in terms of performance evaluation of agricultural land pollution as a very important element for the implementation of national legislation regarding agricultural land management and environmental protection. This project aims to achieve updating of relevant legislation, strengthening capacity in staff MESP, MAFRD, the Environmental Protection Agency of Kosovo, the Kosovo Institute of Agriculture and Food and Veterinary Agency in all aspects related to the analysis of agricultural lands. Also it expected to achieve the results in detailed assessment of agricultural land pollution, identify resources, and recommendations for monitoring and control of agricultural soil fertility.

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